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Tailored Fulfillment Solutions

Instant urban fulfillment works customer-centric. green. social. fair. Are you an urban retailer and also sell goods from the store online? We offer you a professional handling according to your wishes.


Picking Up

Packnship labs are often only 15 minutes away from you. We pick up your goods unsorted at the desired time (even late, Prime) with electric vehicles. On request, our packnshippers can also take care of the picking directly on your shop floor.



The packnship labs offer a laboratory atmosphere. Every order is carefully made ready for dispatch and quality checked according to your wishes with a lot of love. We pack with your materials or are happy to provide sustainable ones.



We ship your goods on the same day with the parcel service of your choice or with regional CO2-neutral delivery partners – environmentally friendly, quiet, fast and on request also same-day or on the desired date – shipment tracking included.


Returns Management

We make the returns of your orders in reception. Your wishes and the green idea and recycling are the focus of the processing. Returned goods can be sold again on the same day.